Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hello friends welcome back

Today I am going to talk about the ShahRukh Khan's US detain incident. You may even remember now that Former president Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was subjected to a body search for the first time by employees of a US airline in Delhi when he was boarding a flight in April to Newark, his office said on Tuesday, adding he does go through the standard security drill while traveling abroad. When the first person of the country was not exempted how can people expect a film star to be. Now the media is creating a big news of the detain of the star but what were they doing when it happened to the president were they all people. I don't know what are these media people doing according to me it is the biggest power to bring change in any country. Why did not media ask US Govt to ask a public apology to the first person of India. If it was made to ask a apology may be this time ShahRukh Khan would not have been faced such a situation. Media needs to take action when it has to. See each and every one will be busy with their day to day activities and can't concentrate on these things media is the group which has to act they need to create awareness to the people they need to tell the people what to do, how to act. And we are not going to do the same thing for any US star that is for sure as we are very good people and we need to retain that image. This is what India is doing till now and more thing the main thing to be observed over here is are US people targeting only the Muslims or the nationality. And no one can predict that a star like Shahrukh khan will be involved in any illegal activity. The answer for this has to be given be ShahRukh himself or the FBI. If it was a general inquiry why was he detained for 2 Long hours. 120 minutes is a big deal. if something like this happened in India everyone would have went to roads to protest for the injustice happened to their star. Yesterday I was watching a interview of SRK where he was not able to protest or blame anybody about the incident. Why was he not able to was he afraid of US. On this occasion of Independence day a star from our country has no right or is under pressure to express his feelings. Is this we call as Freedom. If this is the situation of a a superstar form India what will be of a normal person. We cant imagine. Did it take 2 hrs for Shahrukh Khan to convince that he was an innocent or did it take 2 hrs to convince that he was a star. There is hardly a Indian who doesn't know the superstar. If SRK revels what was the detention for then we can decide about the superiority of the incident. Is SRK been told by the FBI not to tell anything outside to hide any of their mistake. If this is a situation of a star Indian in US then I get a doubt that are we really free. If we are when are we going to express it. Is our not capable of asking or questioning of a injustice happened to their citizen are we so much afraid. Freedom or Independence has to be redefined if such is the case.

Will be continued....................Thanks for reading.

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