Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bangalore- In and Around of It

Hi Friend's,

My views on our great India.

I and you the people you browse through the Internet may be thinking that India is a famous and a good country and after completing our professional Degree we get good jobs may be this year due to recession we are not getting the job we desired. But once we are happy why dont we think about the people who are not able to join the college itself and the small children who are still doing some coolie work to earn a living for their family. Why is this happening. You may have heard of Warren buffet who donated 31 million dollars for charity but are there no Warren buffet's in India. If there are where is the money going donated by them or the people who are donating not really donating in a proper way or they are too busy to look after whether the money is used in a proper way. I think the mediator persons are the people spoiling India. Think for a second if a rich person donates some money it has to go through a mediator normally who will be a middle class person who is dreaming of big buks one day that too without any hard-work and also will be too greedy we do some fraud in the money thinking we will be also the multi millionaire from whom we took the money one day and in achieving the goal we forget about the person who is waiting for any kind of help which can make is living better. This also applies to the govt grants the people who are working for the company or the Govt do the bribe in govt projects. Once money comes to our mind we forget about country, sorrow, the place from where we came, the sorrows we encountered we forget that someone will be in the same position today. And we continue with our work. if we attend and great persons lecture or read through some inspirational writings then we decide to change our life style and be honest from the next day and then again from the very next movement we start thinking the same old selfish manner. Why do we change our decisions so early. Why cant we think broadminded. You may have heard about the great example given on we Indians once some people were transporting different country frogs from Germany to Japan. Some species of frogs were captured and then reproduced in Germany and were then being transported to Japan for further research were being transported to Japan.The different country frogs were American frogs, Chinese frogs and then Indian frogs. They were first taking the different country frogs separated in different containers to the airport through a truck. There were two people in the truck one the driver and the other one helper they bought the container initially they were open. they driver told the helper to close the containers but there was nothing to close so they made an idea the driver told the helper to put American and Chinese frogs in the German frog container the helper did the same thing and as soon as any country frog tried of getting out of the container the other country frog they pulled the frog's leg this way no frog went out of the container. And then the helper asked what to do with the Indian frogs. the driver told don't worry if any frog tries getting out of the vessel his country frog will only pull him back. This may be a fiction story but don't you think this is right.

Yesterday I was seeing a program on TV9 channel a kannada news channel a program on the 3 people who got death sentence for the Mumbai serial blasts and I was shock to hear that they were all born and bought up Indians and some people reformed them on the basis of religion and some harsh incidents on their religion. I wonder whether any thing can go beyond patriotism. Can any one think of religion first that too before his own country. Can situations go that far. Can people do this. And a lady in that group who was not even a bit guilty of the cruelty she has done to the innocent people. If everyone thinks of this way then I wonder where it will end and what all big calamities we are going to face. Common guys wake up don't surrender to the people who force you to think beyond your country try to stop them so that some other weak hear-ted person gets involves with then and becomes a national threat. And we need to sacrifice more people to get rid of them. If we keep fighting with internal threats then when are we going to fight against external forces. We need to be united to get forward. Everyone dreams of seeing India as the first world nation but no one works for it. And we keep on telling the some other person it not working. If so why are we not stopping them that is our duty right. Start Thinking guys. Think Think Think Thinking has a lot of potential. I am telling to think what we can do not what others can. We usually do this mistake why did he do that we never think what we would have done.

One more thing you might have observed the intelligent people of India the ones who used to top in your class, college, course, tuition etc........... maximum of them will be working abroad right just memorize the people who studied with you and were pets of your class teachers. They usually get opportunities abroad and use their brain over there and once they are outdated and old enough to retire they come back telling Great India. One thing I assure you India has come this far because of the lastbenchers and the just pass students. May be they also don't get the opportunity to go different countries and earn in dollars that may be the big reason but the fact is that they worked for their country all their life time. We feel proud to say that 28% of people who are working in NASA are Indians I agree that this proves Indians are intelligent s and they work hard and smart. But one thing I need to clarify this only proves that they are genius does this prove that they are patriots does it prove? The same thing applies to the statement that the max number of doctors and Engineers in USA and UK are Indians. Today every one needs to make money and show their enemies that they are in the best position but no one thinks that achieving this has cost them a lot to them, Their people, Their Nation. Which is waiting for them thinking they will serve their nation and their people one day or the other. Serving a different country and telling that I am a Indian by birth and making popular India from there does not make any sense. They who is going to make India popular from India. Everything has to begin internally not from outside. China and Japan are famous not because Chinese and Japanese are serving other countries with their knowledge. They are famous because they are serving their nation sincerely they are putting their hard work to serve their country. Why don't Indians prefer ISRO over NASA? why cant they earn in rupees and spend in rupees? why does every one wants to earn in dollars and spend in dollars and while bringing their savings to India why do they want to make other country rich by paying taxes.

And one more thing the biggest threat to the growth of our country are the people who will not do their work properly and also do not leave others to complete their work properly. And maximum of these people are in Politics which is the main area from where the development has to be started.

And we think that see who is good in this society if we have to live well in this society we to have to do some wrong deeds that is forgivable.

See one thing USA president Mr. Barrack Obama announced that outsourcing companies will have to pay more taxes from now and all. It did not take the country and Govt even a day to announce that but Karnataka Govt has to face a hundred restriction form every corner to just make its local language compulsory in its own state that too in elementary level. What has happened to our thinking can't we oppose the people who are opposing a good decision.

Guys ya I am referring to we Indians if you are one think over it.

There is a saying, India is great, Indian culture is great and then Indian tradition is great but but .but Indians are not great lets change it guys ya lets change it to Indians are also Great.

Lets make India a totally great and different country.

One more blogger has commented on this post this post that why I have told my readers to think and have I thought why we Indians are like this. May be I had not thought early but after thinking about it I have come with this lets start from 1900 I an starting from this year because before this year I don't think our country had any problems. Okay lets start around 1900 we were under the rule of British they used to make rules in our country they used some of our rulers under them to control us and in some places they used to rule directly and the people who they used to rule us were slave kings under them the Great kings who fought for their motherland were all killed and regarding their brave stories we had learn t in our school and college history syllabus. And there were many people who bribed with British to help them kill our own great kings. My opinion is that Bribery was established in India by British they started it we developed it. So normal people had lost respect on the kings who worked under British and once we don't respect a certain person we don't even care about them we start ignoring them we start scolding them from behind and praising them in front of them. Once we don't respect we never feel that cheating them is a sin so people started to cheat the person who ruled them. Which was no more considered a sin. And we know that small children learn a lot just by watching people started to teach their children the same thing and it all continued. And in 1947 we got our Independence still our position did not change we continued to starve we continued to be called as a Third world country and then the people started to make money in any possible way it may be right or wrong. There is a saying "Money is the root for all crimes". And it continued where ever we got chance to make money make it. And money started to rule the country. Once money starts to rule our mind we become very very greedy which makes us to do sins and think it was not a sin everyone does it why cant I. So this continued to the people who worked for the post Independence Govt and so on. And we think that what can be done by only one person I. it requires we to change a system. But we have forgot that we is for by many I's. One small bribe will not make India poor so once I will do after the current money problem is solved I will not do it again. And we start to bribe. Okay the last time I cheated I was not caught so one more time and it continues which does not has any end. And we teach the same thing to our children or else he would have experienced by another person who cheated him.While a kid starts to grow in India he experiences a lot of these situation where his dad bribed someone or a Govt official bribed him to give him an appointment letter, or he paid for a license. So he starts thinking let me grow up I will get back all my money which I have spent to get my work done. So he starts the process this it continues without any end......................

That is why I told my readers to think and to watch all their deeds they are going to commit because it can teach a generation. Some one sorry everyone has to stop it. Don't think about the bride which happened to you think of the country first...........................think guys think

Thanks for reading will be grateful if you also think over it.

Thanks and will be continued shortly.

Here are some funny pictures with some cute pictures of some cats


Tyler-Jade said...

The picture about the wireless thing made me laugh.. good one!

Jitendra Dimri said...

You are right that people are responsible for the poor state of the nation today. But it is not just the middle class the upper class I think is more responsible than the middle. The lower class can not be blamed. You are asking your readers to think about it , but have u ever thought why we Indians are like that.
If not then think and post something.

we are one said...

Can you explain the areas where the upper class people have affected the growth of the country. I am not telling that they all are good but they remain neutral. But in my post I have considered the black money having people as middle class only. But seeing your comment I am going to remove the class thing.

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